Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Rio Rancho Art Association's Art Rageous Event
It was named, "Art Rageous" and was held on a lovely September weekend at the Inn at Rio Rancho. Personally, I think it was a success! I loved the intimate atmosphere of the venue. I find events such as the Rio Grande Arts and Crafts event to be too crowded, too overwhelming and too expensive. Not to mention, exhausting to find parking , get in line, battle the crowds, etc. And, there are way too many vendors at events like that. I go into input overload within 40 minutes of getting there.
Art Rageous seems to be a good fit (and I hope we stick with it).
I compiled a video so that folks who didn't make it over to it could get a sense of what the venue was like. Enjoy!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Russell Sabin
I went to visit Russell Sabin at his sudio a few months ago. Even did an interview and shot some video of him. Perhaps when I can squeeze in the time to edit that video, I'll post it here. In the meantime, I thought you'd enjoy the images I took while I was there.
Russell is 88 years young and still going strong! Way to go, Russell!!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Chamisa Hills Country Club Fabulous Fall Art and Wellness Show
We would like to invite everyone to attend the Chamisa Hills Country Club “Fabulous Fall Art and Wellness Show” in Rio Rancho on October 30th and 31st. There will be something everyone, so bring the whole family. There will be over 30 participating artists, jewelers, photographers, and wellness professionals. There will be face painting for the kids, a big screen TV in the bar, chair massage, skin care, essential oils and reflexology available.
The show will kick off with a reception on Friday night, October 29th from 6:00-8:00PM.
The Chamisa Hills Country Club is located at 500 Country Club Drive SE. From 528 in Rio Rancho, turn west on Southern Boulevard to Country Club Drive turn right, continue to end of the road at the Chamisa Hills Country Club.
Chamisa Hills Country Club “Fabulous Fall Art and Wellness Show
October 29th-Reception 6:00-8:00PM
October 30, 2010- 10:00AM-5:00PM
October 31, 2010-11:00AM-4:00PM
We hope to see you there. Several other Rio Rancho Arts Association members will be showing their work as well. Come out for a great time and to support your fellow artists. It’s not too soon to start your Christmas shopping.
Carmen and Ivan Taylor, Taylormade Creations
Thursday, October 7, 2010
A DIY (do it yourself) Website(s) to Consider
Although I've yet to create my own website, I've spent the last few years looking at the myriad of possibilities in which to do this. Through that process, I've looked at and tried out a handful of do-it-yourself websites (you create your web pages by using templates). Many of them had learning curves that I cared not to endure since the end result wasn't what I was looking for.
Nina Baldwin has created her website by way on one of these many DIY websites. Her website is beautifully constructed and she did it all herself. She created her site with a company called: Fine Art Studio Online (FASO). Most of these companies offer a free 60 day trial so you can go and play around with it before committing to a contract. If you Google Nina's name, her website will come up first on the list. Thumb's up to Nina on her choice of website companies. The best part is, she can do all her updating herself, so she is in total control of her website. You can check out the pricing structure by clicking on the link provided for FASO.
But, that wasn't a good fit for me. I needed a company that offered the similar benefits AND unlimited images for the same kind of fee structure. Something that I have to take into consideration since I work in multiple mediums. I found everything that I would need in a company called, Art Span. A visitor to your site can even order prints of your images (especially good for photography or they could be giclees of your work as an open edition). Art Span goes beyond being a DIY website and offers many services. Here's an overview of what they offer:
artspan at a glance
- Founded 1999
- 3,700 member sites plus art gallery and association sites
- #1 ranking for "contemporary art" by Yahoo and Google
- 171,000 visitors and 1mm page views per month* (and growing fast!)
- over 6 million "hits" *(NOT including visitors to the individual member sites)
And, their customer service is stellar. I emailed an inquiry and got an answer that day (it was a Sunday and I didn't expect anyone to be there on the weekend). Not only that, but I ended up in email 'conversations' with the director of Art Span. When venturing into these DIY websites, having good customer service is paramont to get you through it all.
Here's additional bullet points the director provided me with:
Each page on your site is optimized. Artspan sites are top-ranked.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
An ART-Rageous Success!
The reception was well-attended and the food ran out (boohoo), but the music by Tony Russell was good and the Raffle for St. Felix Pantry was a big winner. We raised $305 for them and had 14 entries.
We had the Kinkaids and Bear Martinez playing for us on Saturday and Tony Russell came and closed the show on Sunday afternoon.
This was the biggest thing I have ever been involved with and it took magnanimous amounts of praying to get me through. However, the team was fantastic! Kudos to our chief, Carol Sanna, who kept us on target and so much thanks goes to Naomi Hanauer who was our graphic artist designing the brochure, postcards, and signs. Wendell Unzicker did a splendid job with the advertising and Bob Crowley worked and worked to get the room and artists synchronized so we all fit. The effect was amazing!
The volunteers who sat the RRAA booth were both entertaining and knowledgeable about RRAA. They all encouraged the visitors to buy raffle tickets and point them to specific artists that they wanted to see.
Thank You's go to the Greengards who provided the sweet grapes from their vines for all to enjoy!
Carol Sanna brought her really cool camera to show customers and I have to say I was really impressed with how it works. Naomi Hanauer set up her paints and worked on a piece that she has going and Cristina Diaz-Arntzen did a punch-quilt and finished it over the course of the show.
Customers who came through were surprised at the quality of art in Rio Rancho. Few of them even heard of us unless they were friends of the artists. So we had a whole lot of exposure and even picked up about 5 new members.
We loved Sister Claire and Marge who kept the St Felix booth for us. It was great to meet people from the Pantry where we love to donate both food and money. Annette Kornbrekke, our beloved president, organized the raffle for us and she did a wonderful job and took a huge burden off our shoulders. She came back to us just in time to go to work!!!
Carmen Taylor did a great job on compiling the exit surveys. It sounds like the artists had a great time too!
Sue Hanauer
Monday, September 27, 2010
Marilyn Meuret to speak about framing at next meeting on Oct. 1st at 6:30pm
The public is welcomed to attend the meeting. Refreshments will be served afterwards during the venue sign up.
Friday, September 24, 2010
New Arts Commissions Sought
Applications Sought for Rio Rancho Arts Commission
RIO RANCHO, N.M. - The city of Rio Rancho is seeking applications to fill a vacancy on the citys Arts Commission.
Those interested must be a resident of either City Council district 2, 3, 5, or 6. Each applicant must have knowledge and experience in an art-related discipline.
Those interested in serving on the commission must submit an application and résumé to the Office of the City Clerk by 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 8, 2010.
Applications can be obtained from the clerks office located at Rio Rancho City Hall, or by visiting the city online, http://www.ci.rio-rancho.nm.us/artscommission .
The Arts Commission serves in an advisory capacity to the Rio Rancho Governing Body, and works to enhance and promote the arts within the city.
For more information, please contact the clerks office at (505) 891-5004. Rio Rancho City Hall is located at 3200 Civic Center Circle NE.
Linda Laitner
Thursday, September 16, 2010
John Curran Hand Woven Rugs on Exhibit at Ghost Ranch and Piedra de Lumbre in Abiquiu
Pictured here are a couple of hand woven table runners from JD's exhibits at Ghost Ranch and Piedra de Lumbre in Abiquiu. These runners are done in the Old Colonial Overshot Style. This is done in South Western colors with wool hand dyed in New Mexico by a friend of the Currans who lives in Santa Fe.
Pictured above are a couple of the new rugs woven on the new Collingwood Loom purchased during Convergence 2010 show held in Albuquerque. These looms are famous and much sought after by weavers. They are manufactured here in the USA by Harrisville Looms and are an amazing piece of ingenuity and engineering. They are unique in that they enable the weaver to keep the tension even throughout weaving and can change the designs also by using the same warp. The warp is linen and the weft pure New Zealand wool. The design in blue and white is an original and new design by John. The blue and white design is also reversible; in other words, the underside of the rug is a complete design so that the rug can be used/displayed on either side.
The wool is hand dyed by a fellow weaver in Santa Fe. What you see here is a work in progress on John's new Loom. The colors are spectacular. Very South Western. Looking forward to seeing the finished product!
Relay for Life Rio Rancho 2010
RRAA members, Sharon Patrick and Paula Scott participated in the Relay for Life. Many thanks to those who donated to the team for this fund raiser.
What is the Relay for Life?
Here it is straight from their website:
The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is a life-changing event that gives everyone in communities across the globe a chance to celebrate the lives of people who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against the disease. At Relay, teams of people camp out at a local high school, park, or fairground and take turns walking or running around a track or path. Each team is asked to have a representative on the track at all times during the event. Because cancer never sleeps, Relays are overnight events up to 24 hours in length.
Friday, August 20, 2010
As a service to the creative community, Creative Albuquerque offers creative classified listings. Organizations, museums, galleries, venues, attractions and individuals are invited to submit to and utilize this community resource. It is free and open to all local creatives. http://www.creativeabq.org
Regina will be speaking to us following the business meeting on Monday, September 13th (note the date...due to the Labor Day weekend the meeting is delayed one week). The meeting begins at 6:30pm. It will be held at the Destiny Center in Rio Rancho...4401 Northern Blvd NE. Afterward, there will be time for venue sign-up, refreshments and chatting. The public is welcome to join us!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Mike Mahon Portrait Workshop Sept. 14-16, 2010
There is a $50 discount to any member of the RRAA or the PSNM that registers for this portrait workshop. Since there is such a short notice for this workshop, I thought I'd make it a little easier to register for members of organizations of which I'm a member.
Here are some photos from a portrait demo I did at my portrait workshop this June in Amarillo, Texas.

Sunday, July 25, 2010
Starting as a hobby, Wendell's colored pencil work has burgeoned into a respectable business as he is widely recognized as one of the leading artists in this medium in the country. His work has been featured in competitions and galleries nationwide. He is a signature member of the Colored Pencil Society of America as well as numerous other professional associations.
Wendell's commercial work includes over 250 book covers, magazine illustrations, posters and logo designs, as well as technical drawings for NASA. He is co-owner of the Wooden Cow Gallery located in Albuquerque.
Wendell will be speaking at the next membership meeting on Monday, Aug. 2nd.
Friday, June 25, 2010
A little bit of good news
Monday, June 21, 2010
As most of you know, Cecelia and Jim McRoberts' son, Thomas James Francis "TJ" McRoberts, passed away about a week ago...Sunday, June 13, 2010. TJ was a member of the Air Force.
Cecelia asked me to let you know that a funeral will be held this Friday, June 25th, 2010, at 11am at Calvary Lutheran Church here in Rio Rancho. The address is 305 Unser Blvd., at the corner of Abrazzo and Unser. Abrazzo is about 3/4 mile south of Northern Blvd. Light refreshments will be served at a reception at the church afterwards. All are welcome.
Following the funeral and reception, family and friends will proceed to the Santa Fe National Cemetery for interment.
Thank you,
Nina Baldwin
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Chamber of Commerce events
www.rrrcc.org and look on the left side task bar, last option, Cyber Communique for information about a number of free education seminars about business and marketing.
All are welcome!
Linda Laitner
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Artist Demos at the Inn at Rio Rancho
Plein Air at the Bio Park National Garden Day

Friday, April 30, 2010
May Program Presentation: Donna Barnitz
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Art on the Rio!

Rio Rancho Art Association's 2nd annual
all-media juried show
Sponsored by
the Inn at Rio Rancho
Held at the Inn in Rio Rancho
from May 1 - May 27, 2010
May 1st from 5 pm - 8 pm: Opening Reception and art raffle sale to benefit Haven House of Rio Rancho
Music by harpist Sophie Sorenson. Refreshments will be served.
Artist awards will be presented at the reception.
Raffle ticket sales begin at 5:00 pm and will end at 7:30 pm. Raffle sales of original art to benefit Haven House*
May 9: 11 am - 2 pm: Artist Demos: Come and have a Mother's Day Brunch at the Inn and enjoy the art exhibit and live artist demonstrations. The artist demos is a free event.
May 15: 2 pm - 4 pm: Paint With an Artist: Free and open to all ages 8 and above. Supplies will be provided. Make your reservation and sign up via email (by May 13th) at: RioRanchoArt@gmail.com
There are approximately 19 pieces of original art donated towards the raffle tickets sales by artists of RRAA. The odds of someone going home with a prize from a raffle ticket purchase is quite good! If you see a piece you have to have and would rather not leave it to 'fate', there will be a "buy it now" option. All proceeds from the raffle tickets sales will benefit Haven House. The art raffle will only take place during the reception on May 1st.
*Haven House, Inc. is the only agency in all of Sandoval County that is dedicated to serving domestic violence victims. Haven House provides 24/7 crisis intervention, safety planning, shelter for women and their children, legal advocacy (orders of protection, information about judicial processes, accompaniment to court), individual therapeutic counseling for women and children, support/education groups in the shelter and community, life skills education, children's services, community education and outreach, and a Batterers Intervention Program for men who batter, provided on behalf of the victims.
Haven House's number of clients has grown steadily. This year, Haven House will serve more than 1,000 individuals, many for up to 90 days or more.
Haven House was founded by a small group of community volunteers in 1994 as Project Sandoval County, to provide mainly legal advocacy for domestic violence victims. The shelter facility, located in Rio Rancho, opened in January 2002 and since then, programs and services have expanded.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
I can see kids wearing them while skate boarding, going to the movies, hanging out, going to school, etc.
Rio Rancho High School art teacher, Matthew Lutz worked with his students to participate and submit these designs to the Vans Sneaker Company.
For the past month, 19 of his students custom painted four pairs of Vans shoes for a national design contest. Up to ten schools per state participated. Today, they found out that they made the Top 20. Now, the public will choose four winners from those.
Starting Friday, April 16, go to http://vans.com/customculture/vote.html to cast your vote for Rio Rancho High School in the southwest region. If they are the most popular school in the region, their team gets to fly to LA for a five day trip. If they are selected as the winner from the Final Four, their art department will win $10,000.
Please vote for them this Friday-Sunday, April 16-18. Go to http://vans.com/customculture/vote.html and choose Rio Rancho High School. You can vote once from each computer.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The Invisibility Factor
Most artists want to be known to art patrons around the world. They work hard and market themselves and they join associations and groups, and take classes and get degrees, and teach and...well, you get the picture. They want to be “known”.
Me, not so much. I have lived my life to be invisible to the outside world. Marketing myself has come really hard, because of this attitude.
I love making art, and sometimes what I do astounds me because I don’t get tired of looking at it. When I get tired of looking at a piece of art it makes me want to toss it out or put it in a yard sale. Or just gesso over it and do something else.
I have more art in my head than I have produced. Often, I lie awake at night and piece together the parts that I know I have stored. And on waking up and sorting through the parts I am always surprised by something I’ve forgotten I have. It’s an adventure. My tag line is “Where every day meets surprise”.
But the putting myself “out there” is the hardest part. I want people to see my art, but not me. I love when someone sees something I did and gushes over it or stands there with the chin in hand studying it. I like the way they see it.
I am learning that it’s not a bad thing for people to notice me. The artist. The one who comes with the art. It’s all a part of the whole. Acceptance of this fact is slowly (but surely) dawning on my psyche. People will see me.
I find many artists have this problem. It’s not just me. Rio Rancho Art Association and all the people in it have shown me over and over that it’s ok to be noticed. Thanks for that.
Sue Hanauer
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Plein Air Workshop in Rio Rancho May 12-14-Mike Mahon

I will be teaching a Plein Air Workshop this May 12-14 in Rio Rancho. We will be meeting at a location on Hwy. 528 & Sundt but the actual painting will be done at convenient locations along the Rio Grande River. Members of RRAA will receive a $50 discount on the workshop fee. You can see more about this workshop and others at the following link:
At this link you can download pdf files about any of the workshops for descriptions and prices.
If you have any problems with the above link, just go to my events calendar page at:
I will also be doing a pastel demonstration for the Pastel Society of New Mexico, May 8, from 10am to noon. The demo will be mainly about plein air painting. The PSNM meeting will be in the auditorium of the Albuquerque Museum of Art and History, which is located at Mountain Road and 19th Street NW, just a block east of the Old Town Plaza. It is open to the public, so you are all welcome.
Below is a short video discussion of a plein air painting I did in front of the gallery in Santa Fe that represents me there.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Reminder for April Meeting
Distractionists Abstract Artist Group
Begun in the Spring of 2007, we (Betsy Greenlee, Fred Yost, Jaci Fischer, Leila Hall, Elaine Scott, Jeff Potter and in 2008 Rod Groves joined) were inspired by previous artist/ writer collaborations, most notably the "Scribes Eight" and strive to explore artistic genres we generally have not thought about attempting. Abstract art came to mind and we chose to meet every six weeks and share our individual efforts at "making" abstract art from a commonly agreed "project" scope discussed at the previous meeting.
Distractionists Abstract Artist Group
Statement for May 2009 Group Show at ArtHaus66 Gallery:It is hard to find anyone engaged in creative activity who hasn’t experienced burnout—
Those discouraging periods when nothing works and you wonder why you didn’t take your father’s advice and go to law school. Our group was brought together by a mutual acknowledgment of this debilitating feeling. As we discussed possible solutions to the burnout problem, we discovered that we also shared an interest in exploring ways to push
ourselves beyond our usual representational work toward greater abstraction. We decided
to meet every six weeks to share the outcome of our independent efforts on an agreed-
upon project and to decide what the next project will be.
In the beginning we had no intention of exhibiting this work publicly, but we have found our collaboration so productive and rewarding that we decided other artists might enjoy seeing the results of our efforts. This is intended to show examples of each person’s interpretation of various projects as we continue to expand our creative boundaries.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I practically grew up in Red River, NM, and my grandfather was the pharmacist in Taos in the early 1900's when the Taos Society of artists was forming. I have a cousin who was one of the casualties from Taos in the Bataan Death March. So, you see, that even though I moved here from Texas, I have a lot of Northern New Mexico in my history.
I recently posted a YouTube movie sample of a PowerPoint presentation I use in some of my workshops. You can view it below or on Youtube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfMAgdS2SPk
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Published finally?
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Art at the Hewlett Packard Rio Rancho Facility
Gracing the walls of the reception area and a conference room is art from the artists of the Rio Rancho Art Association. The art will be on exhibit there until May.
To view a full version of the video clip, just double click on the video clip image.
The mediums on exhibit include oil, watercolor, acrylic, photography, digital, sculpture and mixed media.
Artists in this exhibit are: Nan Adamson, Virginia Alexander, Nina Baldwin, Irma Fath, Jane Hartshberger, Annette Kornbrekke, Yvonne Korotky, Robert Keuster, Eleanor Modric, Joanne McDevitt, Cecilia McRoberts, Mary Moore, Thea Morton, Richard Overland, Thomas Popp, Russell Sabin, Nora Sanders, Peg Weyers,Robert Crowley, Linda Laitner, Kristian Thompson, Louis Lafrado, Max Stillwater,Melanie Herrara, and sculptor, Nancy Davis.
Video and photos taken by Paula Scott.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Lose your Mind
About two months ago I ran across a doodling technique that I thought seemed just like the kind of art exercise that would suit me. Called "Zentangles" or "Zen Doodling", it is a meditative technique that will help you let go of your mind and overthinking a project and take you away for a few minutes or more. I became immediately addicted.
Cecelia McRoberts Does A Pastel Demonstration
Cecelia McRoberts does a demonstration of the different pastels available at our Jan. 2010 membership meeting held at Destiny Center in Rio Rancho. If you have trouble seeing all of the image in the video below, click on the image to get the full view.
Monthly meetings consist of a brief business meeting, followed by a speaker or demonstration. There is also a reception with opportunities for members to sign up for art venues, exhibitions, and volunteering. Art by members is usually available for viewing at the meeting.
For more information about our art association, visit our website.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Recent accomplishments
Obviously, as most of you know, trains are one of my many photographic passions, so along with that I have been submitting several photos that have been accepted for display on the website, http://www.railpictures.net/. This is quite the accomplishment for me as their requirements and accpetance criteria are very stringent and for quite some time, was impossible for me to get anything submitted. I am up to 9 accepted submissions thus far and counting.
I also did a CD cover for a Christian Rock band a few months ago and it is finally being released this month, along with my credits listed inside for the photographic work.
That is what is going on in my world. Just thought I drop a line.
Hope all is going well for everyone and that your passion for life and the arts makes it into you pieces of work. good luck to all of you out there.