Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ricardo Demonstrates His Curvisimo Technique

At the monthly Rio Rancho Art Association meetings, there is a program presentation that follows the business portion of the meeting. The  programs usually consists of an artist demonstration or an art related topic by way of a forum, lecture or multi media presentation.

At our March membership meeting, artist, Ricardo Chavez-Mendez demonstrated his 'curvisimo' technique. He normally demonstrates on canvas, but at this particular demonstration, the canvas got left behind somehow, so he created for us a rare and unique piece of his art on cardboard. Improvisation often makes for something unexpected!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Applications Sought for the NM Art in Public Places

The City of Rio Rancho has a call for two artists to participate in the local selection committee for the HP purchase of art in public places.  Detailed information can be found on the city web site at the page below:

Explore the possibilities--have a voice in the selection of art to be located at City Center!

Linda Laitner